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Blaby Stokes CE Primary School

Blaby Stokes Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I report an absence?

In order to report a child’s absence you must report the absence to the school by phone or email before 9am on the first day of your child’s absence. This must then be repeated for each subsequent day of absence. School number: 0116 277 2028 or email

Can I take my child out of school during term time?

Amendments to the 2006 Pupil Registration Regulations came into force on 1st September 2013. The amendments made it clear that Head Teachers may no longer grant leave of absence during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Holidays are not considered as exceptional. The Head Teacher will no longer be able to authorise any holiday absence during term time. Head Teachers have to determine the number of days that a child can be away from school if exceptional leave is granted.

Any child whose attendance falls below 96% will have their attendance monitored.  Parents will be notified by letter that their child's attendance is being monitored.

If you would like to apply for exceptional leave for your child, please ask at the office for a form.

Can my child walk home on their own?

Only pupils in Year  6 are allowed to walk home by themselves, and written authorisation is needed from the child’s parents. If a child in Year 6 is to walk home alone from an after-school club that finished after 4.15pm, separate written permission from a parent is needed on the clubs form to confirm that the child can walk home alone at this time of day.

Children in FS and Years 1 to 5 must always be collected by an adult. We cannot allow them to be collected by an older sibling who is under 18 years of age, including Year 6 pupils.

If you need to notify us about a change in collection arrangements for your child at short notice, please contact the school office on 0116 277 2082. Please don’t email as we cannot guarantee that it will be seen in time.

Can I walk my dog to school?

Blaby Stokes Primary School staff and governors recognise that dogs are an important part of life for some families and as such are often included in day-to-day activities such as walking children to school. We also recognise that most dog owners are responsible and take care to control their dogs. However, even well-behaved dogs can become unpredictable when in close proximity to other dogs and children in a noisy and busy school environment. 

Equally, the behaviour of children can be unpredictable when in the presence of unfamiliar dogs. We also recognise that some children find contact with dogs stressful or even frightening, and we have a responsibility to ensure that these children feel safe on our site. We appreciate that there are big dogs and small dogs, with different personalities and characteristics, but need to set a policy that is fair and consistent for everyone. 

Therefore, we do not allow dogs onto our site, except for trained Guide Dogs and Hearing Dogs. The site includes the school building, playground, playing field and car park. We also ask that dogs are not left tied to the school gates or fence where children will be forced to walk past them on their way in to school.

Can I visit the school?

We would be delighted to show you around our school. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

How will the school keep me informed of events, news or school closures?

Each week we send out a newsletter via email. Alongside this we update parents regularly through our website and Twitter account. In case of a school closure you will be notified by email or text and we would advise you to check the website and social media for regular updates. 

What if my child has a medical appointment during the school day?

If your child has a planned appointment, such as a hospital appointment, please send a letter and a copy of the appointment letter to the school office, so that we can insert the correct code onto our registers. We would prefer any routine dental or medical appointments to be taken out of school time or in the school holidays please.

Can children bring a mobile phone into school?

As a school we recognise that mobile phones are now an important part of everyday life and both children and adults use them constantly for a range of reasons. With this in mind, our procedures are as follows:

Only Children in Year 6 who are coming to school and/or walking home on their own, may bring a mobile to school. However, they must adhere to the strict guidance below: 

  • The phone must be handed into the class teacher, as children arrive, for safe keeping. Phones are kept in separate zip-loc bags in the classroom to prevent cross- infection.
  • Pupils can collect their phone at the end of the school day
  • The school will take no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged phones

When are parents evenings held?

Parents' Evenings are held twice a year.  Autumn Parents' Evenings are in person.  Spring Parents' Evenings are held remotely. 

When do reports go out?

Reports will be sent out in the Summer term.  Usually there will be an opportunity to discuss any issues related to reports at our Open Classroom event in the last few weeks of the summer term.